CRJ-100 |
Introduction to Criminal Justice
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course examines the day-to-day operation of criminal justice in our society. Emphasis is on the inter-relationships of the components of law enforcement, the courts, corrections, and the juvenile justice system.
Lecture Hours: 48
CRJ-143 |
Police Operations
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course examines the operational aspects of policing to include patrol theories and methods, crime response, operational skills and factors that influence police operations.
Lecture Hours: 48
CRJ-234 |
Traffic Law
2 credits |
$450.00 |
This course provides in depth examination of the State of Iowa traffic laws, and how traffic code enforcement enhances public safety.
Lecture Hours: 32
MAT-110 |
Math for Liberal Arts
3 credits |
$675.00 |
or |
This is a one semester, liberal arts mathematics course that satisfies the minimum general education requirement for math. The course is designed to impart math skills which are helpful in everyday life as well as to expose students to areas of mathematics they may not have seen before. Topics include problem-solving skills, set theory, algebra, consumer mathematics, probability, and statistics. Other topics may be included.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of D- in MAT-060 or MAT-063. Or equivalent placement score.
MAT-156 |
3 credits |
$675.00 |
or |
This course is a study of descriptive statistics including graphical representation, central tendency, correlation and regression, intuitive treatment of probability and inferential statistics including hypothesis testing.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in MAT-060 or MAT-063. Or equivalent placement score.
MAT-772 |
Applied Math
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course is designed to present basic facts of arithmetic including whole numbers, fractions, decimals, powers, roots, English and metric measurement, ratio-proportion, percents, introduction to algebra, introduction to geometry, and applied statistics. Instruction includes use of scientific hand-held calculators and emphasis placed on critical thinking, problem solving skills.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Assessment score required.
SPC-101 |
Fundamentals of Oral Communication
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course introduces students to the oral communication process and how it affects human interaction There will be an emphasis on developing interpersonal, small group, and public speaking skills. Students will be involved in activities that provide opportunity for the understanding and improvement of their oral communication skills.
Lecture Hours: 48