BIO-151 |
3 credits |
$675.00 |
Principles of Nutrition will introduce students to the science of nutrition. The course will examine individual nutrients; their structure and function in the human body; nutrient composition of food; and selection of food to meet nutrient needs, maintain health and satisfaction. Students will understand and apply present day knowledge of nutrition to dietary patterns and needs of selected individuals and groups. The course is an advanced beginning course in human nutrition designed for students with a science background.
Lecture Hours: 48
PNN-214 |
Basic Health Alterations A
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course builds on concepts learned in previous coursework from bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, and nursing as well as from current evidence-based literature. Emphasis is placed on applying the nursing process to clients and families across the life span in a variety of settings. The content is organized according to body systems, focusing on nursing implications for clients with predictable health problems as well as related health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Systems included in this course are cardiovascular, hematology/oncology, fluids/ electrolytes, integumentary, gastrointestinal, and urinary/male reproductive.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115, PNN-116, and PNN-122. Grade of P in PNN-117. Complete one of the following math courses with grade of C- or transfer equivalent: MAT-102, MAT-110, MAT-122, MAT-128, MAT-134, MAT-156, MAT-210, MAT-216, or MAT-219.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of C- in BIO-151. Grade of P in PNN-218.
PNN-215 |
Basic Health Alterations B
3 credits |
$675.00 |
This course builds on concepts learned in previous coursework from bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, and nursing as well as from current evidence-based literature. Emphasis is placed on applying the nursing process to clients and families across the life span in a variety of settings. The content is organized according to body systems, focusing on nursing implications for clients with predictable health problems as well as related health promotion and disease prevention strategies. Systems included in this course are respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, neurological, sensory, pain, and immune disorders.
Lecture Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115, PNN-116, and PNN-122. Minimum grade of P in PNN-117 and PNN-118.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-319. Minimum grade of P in PNN-221.
PNN-218 |
Nursing Clinical III
1 credits |
$225.00 |
This clinical course provides opportunities for students to incorporate concepts from course work in bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, nursing and current evidence-based literature to provide safe, competent care of adult clients experiencing common basic alterations in body systems. The course utilizes the nursing process in order to achieve best practice outcomes in a medical/surgical setting. Particular emphasis is placed on concepts of holistic care, client education and critical thinking for cardiovascular, hematology/oncology, fluids/electrolytes, integumentary, gastrointestinal, urinary/male reproductive health alterations.
Clinic Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115 and PNN-116. Minimum grade of P in PNN-117.
PNN-219 |
Foundations of Nursing Skills Lab
2 credits |
$550.00 |
This course provides practical application of basic nursing skills while incorporating concepts learned in previous coursework from bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, and nursing as well as from current evidence-based literature. Students learn, practice and demonstrate basic nursing skills competency in skills. Emphasis is on the critical elements of nursing procedures and the scientific rationale for performing the procedures correctly.
Lecture Hours: 16
Lab Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115, PNN-116, and PNN-122. Minimum grade of P in PNN-117.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-214. Minimum grade of P in PNN-218.
PNN-221 |
Nursing Clinical IV
1 credits |
$225.00 |
This clinical course provides opportunities for students to incorporate concepts from course work in bio/psycho/social sciences, humanities, nursing and current evidence-based literature to provide safe, competent care of adult clients experiencing common basic alterations in body systems. The course utilizes the nursing process in order to achieve best practice outcomes in a medical/surgical setting. Particular emphasis is placed on concepts of holistic care, client education and critical thinking for respiratory, endocrine, musculoskeletal, neurological, sensory, pain, and immune disorders health alterations.
Clinic Hours: 48
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115, PNN-116, and PNN-122. Minimum grade of P in PNN-117 and PNN-118.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-219. Minimum grade of P in PNN-215.
PNN-319 |
Issues and Trends in Practical Nursing Leadership
2 credits |
$483.00 |
This course is an overview of the role of the licensed practical nurse and introduces students to legal and ethical requirements, scopes of practice, career opportunities, and job searches. Preparation for the licensing exam is also included.
Lecture Hours: 32
Prerequisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-115, PNN-116, and PNN-122. Minimum grade of P in PNN-117 and PNN-118.
Pre/Co-requisite(s): Minimum grade of B- in PNN-214, PNN-215, PNN-216, and PNN-219.