College Closed - Wednesday, February 12

Hawkeye Community College will be closed Wednesday, February 12 due to winter weather conditions.

How to Drop or Withdraw From a Course

You are considered enrolled even if you stop attending classes. Non-attendance does not withdraw you from your course(s).

Understand the Difference Between Drop and Withdraw


Students can drop a class on or before the Tuition Refund deadline.

Dropping a course:

  • Removes the course from your course schedule.
  • The course will not be recorded on your transcript.
  • You will not be charged for the course.

To drop a course(s) you must complete the official withdrawal process.


After the Tuition Refund deadline students can withdraw from course(s) prior to the Withdrawal deadline.

By withdrawing from a course:

  • The course will remain on your transcript.
  • You will receive a “W” grade for the course on your transcript. This “W” grade is not used in GPA calculation.
  • You are responsible to pay full tuition for the course.

To withdraw from your course(s) you must complete the official withdrawal process.

Students who neglect to follow the official withdrawal process will not be considered officially withdrawn and will receive a letter grade of F on their transcript. Your last date of attendance will be recorded by your instructor.

Before You Drop or Withdraw, Determine How It Will Affect You

  1. Contact your Academic/College Success Advisor to learn how will dropping or withdrawing will affect your progress toward earning your degree. Will this affect your graduation term? Your Academic/College Success Advisor may be able to suggest alternatives to dropping or withdrawing that could aid in your success.

  2. If withdrawing, visit with your instructor to determine if withdrawing is your best option. Is there a way you can catch up? What is your current grade? What assignments and tests are left to complete the course?

  3. If you are receiving financial aid, please review the financial aid withdrawal policy and the financial aid warning / suspension policy or speak with a Financial Aid Advisor to learn how this may affect your financial aid eligibility for the current term and future terms.

If you withdraw from a course and then register for the same course that starts at a later date, your student account will be charged for both courses. To avoid being charged for both courses, you must drop by the Tuition Refund deadline.

Official Withdrawal Process

  1. Self-Service > Student Planning > Plan and Schedule.

  2. Confirm the term showing is correct or use the over arrow to change the term if needed.

  3. Click on the blue "Drop/Withdraw" button shown under the course you want to drop.

  4. Select a withdrawal reason from the drop-down box in the pop-up and submit.

  5. Confirm that this course is no longer on your schedule by clicking the "Print" button on the registration screen and viewing your updated schedule.

You will receive a grade of "W" (official withdrawal) on your academic record. Withdrawing will not affect your GPA, but a "W" will remain on your permanent record.

Your withdrawal request date and your last date of attendance will be recorded as the day you withdrew via the official withdrawal process.

Credits in Emergency Situations

If you are withdrawing due to an emergency situation and have completed two-thirds of the semester and the requirements of the course, you may request a grade from your instructor under the following conditions:

Contact Information

Registrar's Office

Hawkeye Center 114
Email the Registrar's Office

319-296-1609 (fax)

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

If campus is closed, the Registrar's Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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