Ryan Courtney

Title: Assistant Professor
Department: Communications

Office: Black Hawk Hall 156
Phone: 319-296-2320 ext. 1061

Hawkeye Community College
Black Hawk Hall 156
1501 East Orange Rd
PO Box 8015
Waterloo, IA 50704-8015

Courses I Teach


  • Master of Arts in Communication: Performance Studies, University of Northern Iowa
  • Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies, University of Northern Iowa

About Ryan

Ryan is a Communication Instructor and leads the theatrical arts at Hawkeye. Having been involved in theatre and speech throughout his high school and college career, he has always loved the art of public speaking as well as creating new and exciting performances. Ryan believes that being involved in these activities helped him thrive in college and he wants to provide that same opportunity for students here at Hawkeye.

Ryan accepted a full-time position at Hawkeye in the Department of English and Communication in 2020.

In the future, he plans to host performing arts events at Hawkeye that showcase various creative work from students, faculty and members of the Cedar Valley community.

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