Friday, March 7 - No Classes. Offices closed for employee development.

Successful Worksite Tours

Worksite tours are a great way to share your industry, business, and various career opportunities with high school students.

1. Share Your Job

  1. Introduce yourself and your business.
  2. Share your typical day on the job, including challenges and rewards.
  3. Discuss your background and why your chose your career.
  4. Explain what education and training is required to get started and to continue to develop professionally in your specific career.

2. Tour Your Business and Talk to the Team

  • Point out the various careers available within your company, i.e. administrative, accounting, sales, manufacturing, technical, human resources, etc. and the education they require.

  • Show where different people work in your business and what they do.

  • Stress the importance of employability skills such as attire, attendance, punctuality and workplace manners.

  • Discuss what you look for in a potential employee.

  • Have other members of your work team briefly share their jobs and what they like most and least about their careers.

  • Address what people in your office enjoy most and least about their careers.

3. Question and Answer

Students are just now beginning to think about their futures and are looking at your profession as a possible career choice. Students receive guidelines and suggested questions for use during the tours, but may still feel overwhelmed. Please do not be offended if they are quiet! Sometimes rewarding students for asking questions with candy or other small prizes helps encourage discussion.

Contact Information

High School Career Connections

Work-Based Learning Coordinator

Erin Swancutt
319-296-2329 ext.2022
Email Erin Swancutt

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