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Use the link provided in the invitation email to access the Graduation Overview in Self-Service.
Click Apply, under Application Status, for the major/degree listed in the invitation email.
Review and complete the information on your Graduation Application.
Carefully read the instructions provided as they contain specific information you will need to accurately fill out the Graduation Application. Failure to do so could result in errors to your graduation application and diploma.
Only the active Major(s)/Degree(s) you are enrolled in will appear on this screen. Click on the Apply link next to the major/degree listed in the invitation email.
You will have to submit a Graduation Application for each active major/degree you are on track to complete. You will receive multiple emails if this applies to you.
As you complete the Graduation Application, some fields will automatically populate. Check to make sure everything is accurate. The information on your Graduation Application is used to print and mail your diploma. There is a $15.00 charge to reprint your diploma.
Preferred Name on Diploma: Your name will appear on your diploma exactly as it appears in the Preferred Name on Diploma field on the graduation application. If you will be changing your name before graduation, take that into consideration when completing this field.
Diploma Mailing Address: Your diploma will be sent to the address entered on the graduation application.
In the Graduation Term field, use the drop-down arrow to choose the appropriate graduation term that is listed in the invitation email.
You will be a spring graduate if you are taking spring course(s) or a December Minimester to complete your program requirements.
You will be a summer graduate if you are taking summer course(s) or a May or August Minimester to complete your program requirements.
You will be a fall graduate if you are taking fall course(s) to complete your program requirements.
Click “SUBMIT” when you are finished completing the Graduation Application.
Upon successful submission, you will see a green confirmation pop up box on your screen and an auto generated confirmation email from will be sent to your Hawkeye email address.
Click “< Back to Major(s)/Degree(s)”. You can also confirm your application was successfully submitted for review by viewing the “Application Status”. There will be a green checkmark with “Application submitted on (date)” for any program that has an application on file.
Logout of Self-Service by clicking the "Sign out" button.
You have three working days after the end of the last class that completes your program requirements (for non-16-week courses) OR after the end of the term to submit updates to each application.
Click on the “Application submitted on (date)” link under Application Status to access the graduation application.
Click “SUBMIT” when finished. A green confirmation box will pop up on the screen stating, “The graduation application has been updated.”
Hawkeye Center 134 319-296-2460
800-670-4743 319-296-1609 (fax)
Hawkeye Center 114 319-296-2460 Email the Registrar's Office
If campus is closed, the Registrar's Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.
Carrie Lalk Hawkeye Center 114 319-296-2329 ext.1209 800-670-4769 ext.1209 Email Carrie Lalk