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Services for Students in Need or Crisis
Our comprehensive training solutions feature world-class online curriculum, skills assessments, and real-world components for the best skill-building possibilities.
Find the academic/college success advisor connected to your major, then select "Schedule an Appointment" to schedule your one-on-one Zoom advising session.
Kari Kaufman
Student ServicesHawkeye Center 208319-296-4014 ext.1085Email meSchedule an appointment
J. Heim
Student ServicesHawkeye Center 208319-296-4014 ext.1048Email meSchedule an appointment
Brittany Warren
Student ServicesHawkeye Center 208319-296-4014 ext.1086Email meSchedule an appointment
Advisors are assigned by program. If you are not planning to attend this fall for the major to which you have been admitted, to please contact Admissions at 319-296-4000 or before attending your MORE session.