College Closed - Wednesday, February 12

Hawkeye Community College will be closed Wednesday, February 12 due to winter weather conditions.

Requesting Accommodations

Students with disabilities are encouraged to connect with the Student Accessibility Services office to begin the individualized process of determining reasonable accommodations, based on the nature of the disability and the academic environment. The student's personal narrative, past accommodations history, and supporting documentation related to their disability are taken into consideration when making accommodation determinations.

Reasonable accommodations provide equal access to educational programs and activities; they do not lower course standards, provide an unfair advantage, or fundamentally alter program requirements.

Step 1: Submit Paperwork and Documentation

To begin processing your request for accommodations please email, fax, or mail the following completed documents to the Student Accessibility Services office:

  1. Student Accommodations Request Form [pdf]

  2. Documentation from a professional such as a licensed medical doctor, school psychologist, educator, psychologist, or psychiatrist that:

    • Clearly specifies the disability.

    • Indicates the functional impact of the disability including academic impact(s).

    • Recommends the types of aids and services the student needs.

    • All documentation should be current.

  3. Academic Skills Self-Assessment [pdf]

Step 2: Complete Intake Meeting

  1. Schedule and attend an intake meeting with Student Accessibility Services to learn about the accommodations process and discuss health, learning, academic skills, history, and concerns.

  2. Fill out appropriate documents for additional services like recording software, recorders, alternative text, noise-cancelling headphones, etc.

Step 3: Determination and Notification of Accommodations

  1. The Student Accessibility Services Coordinator will determine accommodations based on the discussion with the student and the provided documentation.

  2. The student will receive their Accommodations Letter via their Hawkeye email.

  3. The student must notify instructors of their accommodations by providing their accommodations letter via email each semester.

  4. The student must meet with Student Accessibility Services each academic year to update their accommodations letter.

Contact Information

Student Accessibility Services

Hawkeye Center 208
Email Student Accessibility Services

Hawkeye utilizes Relay Iowa, a telecommunications service providing full telephone accessibility to people who are deaf, hard of hearing, and/or speech impaired.

Regular Hours — Fall 2024

July 29 – December 20, 2024
Monday – Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm

If campus is closed, the Student Accessibility Services Office is also closed. This includes weather-related closings. See scheduled college closings.

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